And if not caught, the player would wake up back in the normal world. Once the protagonist hid themselves or a certain amount of time passed, the Neighbor would start trying to find them. The protagonist was given the option to hide in one of two places - inside a closet or under a bed. If the protagonist slept or got caught enough, the "Nightmare" from the Pre-Alpha had been replaced in this version with a nightmare that was more of a tutorial the protagonist appeared in what seemed to be a circus (judging by the scenery and the music playing) with the Neighbor covering his face nearby. If this shark touched the protagonist, they would be thrown out as if they were caught by the Neighbor.

Upstairs was a flooded room with a robotic shark. The basement was locked with only a padlock and boards, exchanging the number lock for a harder puzzle. It looked a lot more colorful and strange, and had two floors, and an elevator and a set of stairs connecting them. In this build, the house was quite a bit bigger. This build was released on October 26th, 2016. This is the only version the Blacklight and keypad appear in. Should the protagonist sleep often enough, they would appear in a "Nightmare" where a giant version of the Neighbor appeared outside their's house and attempted to capture them. The basement, which was unfinished at this time, was an empty room under the stairs. The basement in this version of the game was locked with boards, a padlock and a keypad. It also had only 8 rooms, which were a storeroom, boiler room, kitchen, garage, bathroom, bedroom and a living room, lounge room, and a back room where all the furniture was upside down and attached to the ceiling. The house in the Pre-Alpha had only one playable floor. But in October is when traction of the game started to get picked up and then became popular. [[File:PreAlphaHouse.png|thumb|200px| It was released quietly in September 2016, not gaining much attention at first. You would've needed a hammer and a key in this version. This version of the game was never released and only used for the trailer. Doors locked without padlocks have not appeared in any versions after the prototype.

One of the outside doors was shown to have a lock on it, which the player needed to click in order to unlock the door.

The basement was probably unfinished and/or not a playable section, and was instead replaced with a cutscene where the protagonist removes the first board with the hammer, only for the Neighbor to grab them from behind and bury them alive.
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It appeared that there was no puzzle in this version because the key was on a table and the hammer was in a room full of boxes. The basement in this version was locked with boards, and a padlock. It was seen in the Hello Neighbor Announcement Trailer, and some images on the official page showed it to have three floors but there was no way to access any other floors, as it was unfinished. In this build not much was known of what the house exactly looked like.